Dog Food

Dog Food

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dog Food Ingredients - Are We Feeding Our Dogs Other Dogs?

I want to share with you one of the most horrifying discoveries I have made while researching the ingredients found in dog food.

Many animal shelters can not afford to cremate all the dogs and cats they euthanize. While some of them bury the animals in massive community graves, this is not always feasible in terms of time, money, and space. So, how do these animal shelters dispose of the dead animal bodies? Rendering factories pick them up and take them to be processed into dog food and other animal feed. They are basically dumped into a big vat, chopped up, and melted down at very high temperatures - fur, heads, feet, bones, diseased tissue, chains, ID tags, green plastic disposal bags, and all.

Yes, it is true. When you buy a bag of dog food kibble and or cans of dog food, it may very well contain dogs. It may say "Tender Beef Cuts" on the can or it may say "Savory Beef Kibble" on the bag but the fact is it has all kinds of mysterious ingredients, the most disgusting of which may be that it contains pet dogs. It depends on the batch of food as to how much. Almost every dog food company does this because almost all of them buy the base ingredients from rendering plants. If you want to find out the few exceptions to this rule, check out this report with the most up to date undercover research.

I shudder to think that a beloved family pet could meet such a fate. I also shudder to think what I was actually feeding my dogs before I really understood what ingredients are in dog food. I vow never to feed my dogs dog again now that I am armed with this information on the secret dog food ingredients.

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