Dog Food

Dog Food

Friday, May 28, 2010

Is Your Pet Dog a Service Dog?

I've noticed that "service dogs" are becoming much more common. It seems like I see them everywhere. I struck up a conversation the other day with a fellow who has a service dog. He told me that the doctor had written him an order "prescribing" the dog for his mental well-being. He can now have his dog in his apartment. Otherwise, there is a no pets rule.

This got me thinking about our dogs and how much emotional support and comfort they give us. I think they make us happier overall and keep us grounded when things aren't going well. I believe what they say about living longer if you have a pet. I think in this sense that all pet dogs are "service dogs." They provide a service to us and we provide a service to them... or do we just call that puppy love :-)

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